"Be Prepared Stamford!"

The City of Stamford is at risk for a number of natural or technological hazards. Some of the hazards listed below happen several times a year, while some have never happened at all. However, it is a possibility that these disasters will occur, and it is important to be aware of them. By clicking on a disaster in the table below, you will learn what it is, and what to do before, during, and after said disaster.

Biological Threat/
Pandemic Flu
Chemical Threat Flood Hazards
Fire Storms Radiation
Power Outages/Utilities Cold Weather Extreme Heat

Knowledge is power. Although some of these disasters are much more likely than others, it is important to learn about and be aware of all of them. That way, when a disaster strikes, you will be well-prepared and you will be confident that you know how to deal with the situation to keep your home, family, and self safe.